August 2023 The Sarasota Breeze


August 2023

Dear Member,

Attached is the August 2023 issue of the chapter newsletter-- The Sarasota Breeze -  and the reservation form for the August Luncheon at Michaels on East. The August Luncheon will take place on Friday, August 18, and the guest speaker is Julie Ann Borowski, who will discuss the Senior Friendship Centers and their contribution to our community.

The YAHOO (Young At Heart Officers Organization) will not be conducting any events during August, but you can find a rundown on some of the recent YAHOO events on Page 10 and some advance information on September and October activities.  

Looking forward to seeing you at the August luncheon on Aug 18.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this issue of The Breeze - and as always, please let me know if you have a suggestion on how we can improve it.

Thank you & Stay Safe

Len Friedlander

Click to read the Sarasota Breeze

Click to read the Reservation Form

Click to read the Membership Application

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