Convention Agenda


36th Annual Florida MOAA Convention
Florida Council of Chapters

Hyatt Regency, Sarasota, FL


FRIDAY, JUNE 7th 2013

1200-1700:  Registration Open (Lower Level)
1200-2200:  Hospitality Room Opened (Ringling Room)
                       (Late Registration in Hospitality Room)
1400-1500:  Council Board Meeting (Boardroom)
1500-1600:  MOAA Presentations ( COL Barry Wright-Florida Room)
1800-2100:  President’s Reception (Boathouse)


0800-1700: Registration Open (Lower Level)
0800-0900: All-Hands Breakfast, Florida Lt Gov Jennifer Carroll (Invited)(Salons C, D, E)
                   Playing of the National Anthem
                   Posting the colors
0930-1700:  Hospitality Room Opened (Ringling Room)
0915-0945:  Annual Meeting (Salon C&D)
1000-1145:  Panel:  Serving those who served our Nation (Salon F)
1200-1330:  Luncheon:  The Patterson Foundation Brief (Salon C, D & E)
1400-1700:  Tours (Due to time constraints, please choose only one)
                     Ringling Circus Museum
                     Sarasota Bay
1400-1700:   Optional Meetings (Florida Room)
                     FPAS Financial Planning Seminar
                     Authors Forum
1800-2200:   Military Ball (Salons C,D, E & F)
                     Guest Speaker:  Gen  John H. Tilelli, Jr. Chairman of the Board, MOAA

SUNDAY, JUNE 9th 2013

0830-0930:  Memorial Service (Lanai)
0945-1100:  FCOC Board meeting (Board Room )

Have a safe trip home and Thanks for coming to Sarasota