Happy Hour / Meet and Greet
Friday April 8, 2016
At The O Club of the Day
Sarasota Vineyard
1528 Main Street
Sarasota Florida
We have recreated the camaraderie of the O' Club that we enjoyed in our younger days. Please join us at the Club.
No cost except for what you eat or drink - No Reservations.

It is our understanding that Government built this amenity to support Sarasota MOAA Happy Hours. Thank you, Government.
Marines and Soldiers can low crawl out the back door of the O'Club through the parking lot to the garage. Air Force Officers can levitate / aviate over the buildings. The Navy and Coast Guard are seeking a Federal Grant to buy a ship and construct a waterway, quay, and harbor. Troy Scott is planning a zip line so that Airborne Rangers can repel from the top floor of the garage directly to the bar where they will shout AIRBORNE!! ALL THE WAY!! if they survive.
Spouses and friends are encouraged to attend.
Hope you can join us at the Happy Hour.
Connect with us on our MOAA Sarasota Social Media
Web Site------------sarasotamoaa.com