Dear Member
The September 2016 issue of the MOAS monthly newsletter, The Sarasota Breeze, as well as a separate Program/Menu/Reservation Form for you to use when making your reservation for the September Luncheon on September 16th at Michael’s on East is attached below.
The September Luncheon is our Annual Multi-Chapter Southwest Area Luncheon, and the speakers will be LTC Marc Oliveri, President, Florida Council of Chapters (MOAA), and Bob Rosinsky, President & CEO Manasota Goodwill. The program outlines are on Page 1 of the newsletter.
Please note the Giving Challenge Campaign (Page 9) and the availability of Matching funds for your contributions to the Scholarship Fund.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the luncheon
Upcoming events to put on your calendar:
11 September – 9/11 Commemoration @ Patriot Plaza
16 September – MOAS Multi-Chapter Luncheon
20-21 September – The Giving Challenge, matching funds our Scholarship Fund (SMOSF)
13 November – A Tribute to America’s Veterans @3:00PM & 7:30PM, Riverview PAC
14 November - A Tribute to America’s Veterans @ 7:30PM Neel Performing Arts Center
As usual, we hope you enjoy this issue—and ask that you let us know if you have any suggestions for future issues.
Thank you
Len Friedlander