Sarasota Mayor Presents to Sarasota MOAA

Military Officers Association Enjoys a Presentation by Sarasota’s Mayor Via Zoom Video

Southwest FL – As many of you are aware, the physical luncheon at Michael’s on East was cancelled due to the lack of participation as a result of the Coronavirus situation. However, we were pleased to host a ZOOM video presentation with Mayor Jan Ahearn-Koch who was originally scheduled to attend our May Scholarship luncheon.

The mayor, a leader in our community’s battle with the virus, provide some insights into the city’s process leading up to the initial “lockdown” and the more recent action requiring the wear of masks when in public within the city limits. She responded to questions that ran the gamut from homelessness within the city to school reopening, and city/county relations.

Click to read the full press release by Alan Forester at: