Info and Photos on the Sarasota Breeze:
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Southwest FL –MOAS Luncheon in April the attendees were treated to a painting lesson from Joe Palmerio, a renowned local artist. Mr. Palmerio, a resident of Sarasota for the past twenty-eight years, is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and the Barnes Foundation, Lower Merion, Pa. He studied Sculpture at the Frudakis Academy, and metal sculpture at Tyler School of Art, Temple University. He taught painting in community arts centers in Pennsylvania and Colorado and taught physically challenged adults in Philadelphia for seven years. Mr. Palmerio exhibits throughout the United States. Numerous private and public collections include his works.
He began by telling the audience they were going to get a painting lesson and described the site he was going to paint; one we were all familiar with – O’Leary’s Tiki Bar on City Island, looking to the west towards Big Pass. He completed an oil painting about 14”x11” in the Plein Air style, a French expression meaning “in the open air.” It is used by artists to describe the art of outdoor painting, capturing landscapes and views in natural light, although he did it on a stage at Michael’s on East.
He emphasized that the major items to take into consideration while painting are the values; light, medium and dark colors and how you blend them together to create a work of art. He set up his old French easel on the stage, which was interesting in itself. The easel has stand-alone legs, complete with storage compartments for his paints, brush, and assorted rags, etc, everything that a painter would need. He emphasized that it was over 40 years old and an antique itself.
During his presentation he presented several anecdotes about his career, with help from his spouse Gioia talking about his awards; working as a recreation leader for the City of Philadelphia, the Director of Recreation for the Ute Mountain Indian tribe in Colorado., and as the Everglades Artist in Residence in 2003.
After completing his painting, Joe graciously offered it up for our 50-50 Raffle and one of our long-time members won it. This was truly a great presentation.
MOAS is the Sarasota Chapter of Military Officers Association of America. MOAA is the nation’s largest and most influential association of military officers with 400,000 members. It is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization. For more information visit, Are you a former military officer? Please come and join us at our monthly luncheon.
Published on the Tampa Bay Newswire