January Issue
Dear Member,
I hope you have had a wonderful Holiday Season, and are ready for the New year.
Attached please find the January 2023 issue of the chapter newsletter-- The Sarasota Breeze - and the reservation form for the January 20th Luncheon at Michaels on East. The January Luncheon program will be singers from the Sarasota Opera who are currently rehearsing for the upcoming 2023 Opera Season.
Please note the change in the cost of the luncheons for 2023. Yes, the price has increased but hasn't everything gone up? Michael's on East originally proposed a more substantial raise in the luncheon price but your Board, working with the restaurant, was able to reduce the cost as much as possible for our group. We hope you continue to join us for our monthly gatherings.
We have scheduled a Meet and Greet for January 11th at Gecko’s on Hillview and we hope you can join us. Additionally, there is information in the Breeze highlighting the January 9th lecture presented as part of the Sarasota World Affairs Council (SWAC) Lecture Series.
Looking forward to seeing you at the January luncheon — and wishing everyone a Happy Healthy New Year.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this issue of The Breeze - and as always, please let me know if you have a suggestion on how we can improve it.
Thank you & Stay Safe
Len Friedlander
Click to view the Sarasota Breeze
Click to view the Luncheon Reservation Form
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