April 2023

 Dear Member,

Attached please find the April 2023 issue of the chapter newsletter-- The Sarasota Breeze -  and the reservation form for the April 21st Luncheon at  Michaels on East.  The April Luncheon program will consist of a MOAA status & legislative update by RADM Rick Buchanan and an informative presentation about the newly established Sarasota Art Museum by Executive Director Virginia Shearer.

We have scheduled a Meet and Greet for April 12th at Marina Jack.  This will follow a YAHOO No Cost Pontoon Boat cruise around Bird Key. Please read about it on Page 10 of the Breeze.  We hope you can join us.  

The YAHOO (Young At Heart Officers Organization) is BACK! With two remaining events scheduled for the month of March - Miniature Golf in Sarasota, and Sunset on Siesta Key Beach — and many events in April —See page 10 of the Breeze

Looking forward to seeing you at the April luncheon and the YAHOO events.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this issue of The Breeze - and as always, please let me know if you have a suggestion on how we can improve it.

If you haven’t renewed your membership and paid your 2023 dues as yet, please do so  — if you aren’t sure of your status please call me at 941-927-0996.  This will be last newsletter provided to members who have not renewed their 2023 membership.

Thank you & Stay Safe

Len Friedlander

Click to read the Sarasota Breeze

Click to read the Reservation Form

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