June 2017 The Breeze and Calendar

Dear Member

Attached below is the June 2017 issue of the MOAS monthly newsletter, The Sarasota Breeze, as well as a separate Reservation Form for you to use when making your reservation for the June Luncheon on June 16th at Michael’s on East.

Our June Luncheon program will feature an overview of one of the premier venues in the Sarasota area--- Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium. Looking forward to seeing you all at the luncheon.

Ron and Linda Wozniak are revitalizing the YAHOO program as you can see in the Breeze. Please review the upcoming YAHOO events, and join us for a good time. Also please consider volunteering to coordinate some of the upcoming YAHOO events.

As usual, we hope you enjoy this issue—and ask that you let us know if you have any suggestions for future issues.

Thank you

Len Friedlander, Editor

Click to View the Breeze

Click to View the Reservation Form