The Sarasota Breeze


May 2023

Dear Member,

Attached please find the May 2023 issue of the chapter newsletter-- The Sarasota Breeze -  and the reservation form for the 
May 10th Luncheon at  Michaels on East. 

NOTE: The luncheon is on a Wednesday as most of the county graduations conflict with our normal luncheon date on the 
3rd Friday of the month.

The May Luncheon is our scholarship awards luncheon and the guest speaker is Sarasota Mayor Kyle Battie.  We will be 
honoring 17 high school graduating seniors and their parents at the luncheon. 

We would very much appreciate if you would consider sponsoring the price of a luncheon for a student and/or parent.  
Please add the additional luncheons to your reservation form - or if you are unable to attend, please send the reservation 
form with your check to Mary Gordon as indicated on the Luncheon Reservation Form (Page 11)

The YAHOO (Young At Heart Officers Organization) is BACK — Please check the May events on page 10 of the Breeze.

Looking forward to seeing you at the May luncheon and the YAHOO events.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this issue of The Breeze - and as always, please let me know if you have a suggestion 
on how we can improve it.

Thank you & Stay Safe

Len Friedlander

Click to read the Sarasota Breeze

Click to read the Reservation Form

Click to read the Membership Application

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